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Maintenance is an important part of owning a vehicle.  Remember the phrase "Pay me now or pay me later", well, later is usually a lot more expensive because a greater degree of damage has been done.  With regular maintenance you can avoid the very costly additional damage that can occur when something breaks and takes out associated components and systems.  Below we have a few suggestions but stop by some time and talk with us about what you can do to help minimize your exposure to major failures.  Some things you can do in your own garage.



Tune-ups are not like they once were.  With electronic ignition systems, dual spark plugs, advanced sensing elements and computerized controls it's not the afternoon fun it used to be.  To keep your vehicle running in top form tune-ups have become a high priority and they have become more expensive due to the level of technology.  The good news is you can go longer between having a tune-up and they help you save money in daily operation.


Once you have the ability to move down the road you need a way to come to a safe stop.  Brakes are a very important safety issue and they should be checked regularly for wear and safe operation.  Pad, rotors, bearings, hydraulic pumps, lines, and fittings should be checked to ensure their safe and effective operation.  It could literally save lives.



There are many things you can do in the comfort of your garage to help keep your vehicle in good operating condition.  Simple things like cleaning mirrors to checking fluid levels and replacing those fluids on a regular schedule.  Look at your garage floor to see if there is a fluid leak.  If you see fresh fluid get a paper towel and lay it on the fluid to get sample.  If you can recognize it check levels for how big the leak may be.  If you don't know what fluid it is bring the sample by and let us look at and let you know where it's coming from.  You drive your car more than anyone.  You hear and feel the way it runs.  You're the first to know when something isn't right.  Don't let it go.  Check it out and fix it so it won't turn into some serious.  We're a phone call away if you have questions or we can take care of it for you.


When you turn the corner do you hear a knock?  When you go over a speed bump does your front end shimmy or bounce?  With the weather changes and the holes in the street how many times have you dropped into one?  When you experience any of these and many more issues driving down the roads a great deal of damage can occur.  Always remember to check the steering and shocks after a hard impact.  If you hear a noist when turning have it looked at.  You don't want to lose control due to damage from the bumps and bangs of the mean streets.  If you feel or hear something stop by.  We'll test drive with you and you can point out the problem.  If it's just something normal you can feel at ease but if we find something that should be fixed we can tell you how much and how serious. 

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